About me
My name is Yiannis Tsanaktsidis, and I am a certified Coach from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, with previous studies in Marketing and Business Administration, specializing in the Organization and Management of Exercise, Health, and Wellness units. I have over 30 years of experience in businesses, associations, social and solidarity economy organizations, and human resource management.

My goal is to inspire and help you break free from whatever is holding you back, develop the habits you truly want, overcome your fears and limitations, achieve your goals, enhance your performance, make the changes you need in your personal and professional life, and ultimately make your life better every day!
Self-discipline is the ability to follow the rules we set for ourselves. It is the first proof that we value and respect ourselves. We all have the potential to build self-discipline.
The family business is the engine of the economy. However, about half survive into the second generation. In the third generation, only one in six survives.
A word that encompasses the meaning of our lives. The passport to achieving all our goals.
How many people have changed their lives and the lives of many others around them by turning their idea into a business? How many have been ruined by trying to make their idea a business? And how many have not changed their lives or improved the lives of others because they hesitated to turn their idea into a business?
How many things do we not do because something holds us back and we keep postponing them? How many things do we not do because we believe we are not ready yet or because everything is not as it should be?
The greatest achievements of humanity have been accomplished through teamwork. For teamwork to yield results and stand the test of time, a collaborative culture is essential.
Although we all have 24 hours each day, some people achieve more and others less. Why?
Money is a crucial tool and part of wealth. It is often presented as synonymous with wealth. Is it?
Fear and anxiety, as emotions, are useful; however, their persistence can ruin our health, relationships, and overall daily life. How can I stop manifesting them physically?
History is written by people who succeeded after first experiencing several failures. Failure is not incompetence; it is experience, and we can leverage it together.
Your experience

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